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Business signs

Custom business signs, as our website images suggest, come in all shapes and sizes.  These custom signs can be clean and concise professional signs, informal welcome signs or simple office signs. 


Because a business sign should be readable at a glance, clean and low maintenance, the high density urethane we use to make our work is a good answer to these requirements.  HDU was developed for folks like us who specialize in exterior and interior custom dimensional signage, who have experienced the drawback of wood such as warping, cracking, checking, delaminating and high maintenance, and are well aware of outdoor name signs needing to look professional and readable.


A free line layout is the first step to a business image that is a quality representation of your company.  Review our business sign images and feel free to contact us with your comments or questions.


See a sign you like? Contact us for a free layout

Please provide us with the following information to help us get started:

-approximate sign size
-name and/or information on the sign
-if you want a graphic
-if you have a budget, what is it?
-please let use know if there is a certain sign here that catches your eye

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About Us


Over 40 years experience with custom dimensional signage shipped all over the United States and Canada.



- Dimensional signage
- Design services
- Fine art carving


Let's Talk


Contact us for a free layout
630-674-3324 (Robyn)

630-674-3394 (Lorien)

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